Saturday, December 29, 2012

My assignment for Ronna K Ross

Ronna Pennington, who was Ronna Ross when we went to school together at Henderson State and worked side-by-side at the Daily Siftings Herald in Arkadelphia, issued a writing challenge via Facebook. The challenge is sort of a New Year's Resolution type deal where we blog about something we love for the upcoming year. Or, something like that. I was never really good at following directions. Anywho, I suppose in 2013 I get to focus on one of my new loves and that's penning novels. Before you ask, I'm not on anyone's best seller's list. I don't have any books in print although I've sold one or two ebooks. And, yes, I mean literally, one or two. ("Damn, so-called friends too cheap to donate a lousy $2.99 to boost a starving writer's confidence," he thought to himself.) I admit, I'm not the greatest at shopping my books around to agents or publishers. To be honest, I enjoy the writing process a lot more than I do the after process of writing query letters and trying to convince others to please read my stuff. I hate that and I'm not good at it. As an author, I'd say I'm an acquired taste. I've written some things I really like and some things of which I'm not so proud. But, I enjoy the process of writing. I love creating characters most of all. I suppose it's the lingering affects of being an only child for the first seven years of my life. All these years later, those imaginary friends are coming to life on the pages of my books. In the future, it would be great if other people saw my books as a source of entertainment. But, even I don't sell enough books to buy a pizza, writing them is a source of enjoyment that I truly relish. I'm not a best-selling author but I am a happy writer. It ain't Stephen King but I'll take it.

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