Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Goodbye Rod Harrington

I'll never forget the very first column I wrote for the El Dorado News-Times about 21 years ago, My first line was, 'My name is Tony Burns and I hate golf.'
It probably wasn't the wisest way to introduce myself. It got people's attention, though. I had no idea how important golf was to some people in this community, including my new boss.
After the column was printed, I got the feeling that maybe it wasn't such a good idea. I was concerned until one of my new co-workers spoke up in the office and told me how much he enjoyed what I had written.
It's amazing what one compliment can do to a person who is sorely lacking confidence.
Rod Harrington's kind words made me feel at home, like I actually belonged in that office.
Big Rod announced recently that he's taking his talents to Northwest Arkansas. His last day with the News-Times was Sunday.
I didn't grow up in a hugs and kisses type of family. So, it's always awkward for me to say goodbye, especially to another dude. I don't like hugs and big shows of affection. Yet, a handshake didn't seem enough when I said goodbye to Rod, who I've known for the past 20 years.
I hadn't really thought about it but, the guy attended both of my parent's funerals. He's seen me at my lowest moments and when I was named Employee of the Year, he was happier about it than I was. No one is more eager to read one of my freshly penned books than Rod. He's read all of them, even the ones that suck. He's listened and written reviews for my relatives music and was always available to proof read a feature.
I used to play tennis with Rod on a weekly basis until I beat him one time. I think he lost his racquet or something after that. Still, over time he's become one of my closest friends.
Like I said, when I left the office Sunday night, I wasn't sure what Rod and I were supposed to do. I don't believe I've actually had a non-stop 20-year friendship before. It was awkward but we settled for a man hug.
Somehow, it didn't seem enough for the guy who made me feel welcome at the News-Times more than 20 years ago.
In case I didn't say it before, thank you Rod Harrington for everything you've done for me. Save me a seat in the pressbox.