Saturday, August 17, 2013

FoxSports One, a distant number two

I had high hopes for a new sports show called FoxSports One mainly due to my increasing annoyance with ESPN's Sportscenter. My problems with Sportscenter are vast. A big one is its insistence on focusing only on the big three sports - NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball. I guess you could say big four sports if you include Tiger Woods. Notice, I said Tiger Woods and not the PGA. Anyway, rather than see a one-hour Sportscenter that includes forty minutes on Tom Brady or LeBron James or Kobe Bryant or Johnny Manziel, I was hoping to see an alternative that covered more sports. Sadly, I'm afraid FoxSports One is going to try to out-Sportscenter, Sportscenter. It's a similar format except for couch breaks for very short discussions between host Charissa Thompson (formerly of Sports Nation) and former athletes, including Gary Payton, Donovan McNabb, some other random retired NFL dude and Andy Roddick, who looks and acts as out of place as Riley Cooper at a Soul Train Reunion Special. I actually like Charissa Thompson. Nevermind her obvious attractiveness, she has wit and personality. You could pair her with a mime and she'd still be entertaining. I hope they find a mime, soon. I was disappointed. I liked the original Sportscenter thirty years ago and the way they finished off one sport's highlights before moving to the next. They did American League, then National League, then NFL, etc. If I wanted to see how the Orioles did, I had an idea when that information was coming instead of their random all-over-the-place crap they do now. FoxSports One does the same mess. I understand they don't want viewers to tune out after they get the highlight they're seeking but, for once, why not make it viewer friendly. And, the show focuses on the same things Sportscenter does with the exception of more MMA and soccer ... so far. I've only seen one show so I'm sure they'll evolve into something better. But, it's not off to a great beginning.

1 comment:

  1. I find the cover of Fox Sports Radio to be better. You get Dan Patrick in the morning...Jay Mohr in the afternoon and Pat O'Brien in the late afternoon and early evening. The interviews are far better than what I would see if I was watching SportsCenter or FoxSports One. Sadly, SportsCenter will never be what it was 30 years ago.
