Monday, October 17, 2011

Six is greater than three

Word on the street is, folks in Junction City are irate at the News-Times' football coverage on Friday. There was no story in Saturday or Sunday's paper about the Dragons' non-conference win over Mountain Pine.
Unfortunately, no one from Junction City has confronted me personally on the subject. If they had, here's my explanation.
First, we have three sports writers, including myself, to cover six area football teams. I'm not a math major but ...
It's frustrating for us. I've been at the paper more than 20 years and this is the first time there have been senior varsity football games played in Union County that haven't had a staff member present.
Friday, we had three people to cover five games.
Kev Moye' traveled to Bearden the previous week to cover Junction City's huge game against the Bears. Even though it was outside the county and forced us to miss Norphlet's home game, we felt it was important that we be there.
This past week, Junction City hosted Mountain Pine in a non-conference game while Smackover hosted Fordyce in one of the Bucks' biggest games of the year. We've missed a lot of Norphlet's games this year so Jason Avery covered the Leopards while Kev went to Smackover. I was at El Dorado, leaving Junction City and Strong uncovered.
Jason and Kev talked to Junction City coach David Carpenter and Strong coach Shane Davis during the week. They explained that we wouldn't be at their games and asked if they would please call us Friday night to give us results so we could put them in the newspaper.
They both indicated they would call in their results.
Friday, Coach Davis called in from Hampton and we had Strong's story in Saturday's paper. No one ever called in Junction City's game.
Saturday, Kev called Coach Carpenter at home and left a message asking to please call us so we could get information in Sunday's paper about the Dragons' game. No one returned the call.
Three people cannot cover six teams without the cooperation of the coaches. I wish we had more sports writers available. Unfortunately, we don't.
We have three writers and six teams. I don't know how much simpler I can make it. Three does not equal six. Six is greater than three. Three is less than six.
If you're having trouble understanding that explanation, perhaps you should YouTube some old Sesame Street episodes with the Count or find some of those School House Rock cartoons.
It's not biased coverage. It's basic math. We're doing the best we can with what we have to give every team the best coverage we can.

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