Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thanks ESPN

Gotta send a big thank you out to the folks at ESPN. The sports network's non-stop, round the clock coverage of Tim Tebow forced me to find my remote control and explore other options on my DirecTV.
Did you know there are two channels devoted entirely to food?
Oh! You did?
Well, it was news to me, which is probably a shocking announcement coming from a guy my size.
Anyway, thanks so much to ESPN for driving me away from sports to the food networks. I'm not a big cooker. I don't even own a stove. But, I do like food.
The past several days I've spent hours watching various shows demonstrate amazing ways to prepare tasty food dishes. I watched in awe at first until I started to think that perhaps even I could attempt some of these recipes.
Without an oven or even a hint of cooking expertise, my options were limited. But, yesterday I attempted a type of salad featuring apples and mandarin oranges. The most important part of the dish is a sauce that includes honey and orange yogurt. It only took about 10 minutes to prepare but it was well worth the time.
I'm still chowing down on it a day later.
I'm contemplating a dish with peaches, honey and chicken. That one could be tricky. We'll see how it goes. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually turn into the Iron Chef or maybe that arrogant guy from Restaurant Impossible?
To think, I have ESPN's exhaustingly gruesome coverage of everything Tebow to thank for my new interest.
Go Raiders!

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