Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Welcome to West Faulkner

Okay, here's the deal. I've decided one blog just isn't enough. Some of you have been keeping up with my thoughts and exploits on floorburns.blogspot.com and I certainly appreciate your interest.
However, my ramblings roam from topic to topic and I think I need to be a little more specific. So, I've decided to turn floorburns into a blog about national and international sports topics, only.
I still want to talk about sports in Union County. So, I present to you West Faulkner, which will deal solely on things that happen in South Arkansas or with athletes who are from this area.
I hope to provide some thoughts that people in the area can get that I didn't have the room or time to put in the El Dorado News-Times. I also hope people who have moved from South Arkansas an outlet to keep up with what's going on in their hometown.
Hopefully, West Faulkner will provide some information and maybe even some entertainment from time to time. If it sucks, I'm sure some of my friends will let me know.

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